Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being

At The Grove Primary School, we are committed to supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of our pupils, staff and families.  We have a supportive and caring ethos whereby each individual and their contribution to our school community is valued.  We believe that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play. 


The Grove Well-Being Team:

Deputy Head (Inclusion):

SENCO, Designated Senior Mental Health Lead, Pupil Premium Champion, Designated Teacher for Children in Care, Adult Mental Health First Aider, Designated Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Kathryn Hardy
Pastoral TA
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, Designated Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Nada Nicholls
Pastoral TA
Children's Mental Health Champion, Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, Designated Safeguarding Officer
Mrs Julia Benson
Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being Governor

Mrs Ruth Cooper


Emotional well-being support at The Grove

Everyone experiences challenges in life which can make them vulnerable, and at times we may all need additional emotional support. At The Grove we have a graduated approach to mental health and emotional well-being support, which is outlined in our policy.


Our core offer of support includes:

Playtime drop ins, Pastoral TA Talk Time sessions, Emotional Literacy sessions, Social Skills/Friendship groups, Therapy dog sessions, Drawing and Talking Intervention, Emotional Literacy Support Assistant Interventions.


We work closely with the Mental Health Support Team who offer support work with staff, parents and groups of pupils.


A Blue Smile Therapy team work in school every Friday to support our pupils in 1:1 play/art therapy sessions. They also provide support for staff members as required.


Sometimes more specialist support may be required than our core offer can provide. In such cases, in collaboration with parents, referrals may be made to YOUnited, Cambridgeshire's Mental Health Hub for children and young people.


Useful websites:

Blue Smile

Mental Health Support Team


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Winston's Wish- bereavement charity

Ormiston Families- supporting families affected by offending

Young Minds- supporting mental health of children and young people

 Kooth- online mental health support for children and young people


For further details about our mental health and emotional well-being support, please contact Mrs Hardy via the school office or call 01223 577017.