Safeguarding Information

Every school must have a Child Protection Policy - often referred to as the school's Safeguarding Policy. The aim of the policy is to ensure that our school has effective measures in place to safeguard your children from the potential risk of harm and that the safety and wellbeing of the children are of the highest priority in all aspects of our school's work. Having the policy in place ensures that all members of our school community:

  • Are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection
  • Know the procedures that should be followed if they have a cause for concern
  • Know where to go to find additional information regarding safeguarding
  • Are aware of the key indicators relating to child abuse
  • Fully support the school's commitment to safeguarding and child protection.

Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It presents schools with a wide range of issues that we need to be prepared for.  

All schools have at least one designated Child Protection Officer who manage any concerns related to child protection. At our school we have the following trained staff.

  • Lead Designated Child Protection Officer: Mrs Ellie Rowe (Headteacher)
  • Designated Child Protection Officer: Mrs Kathryn Hardy (Deputy Head)
  • Designated Child Protection Officer: Miss Darcey Moore (Safeguarding and Family Liaison Officer)
  • Designated Child Protection Officer: Mrs Julia Benson (ELSA)
  • Designated Child Protection Officer: Mrs Nada Nicholls (ELSA)
  • The Designated Child Protection Governor is Simon VIrr

All members of staff are trained  in Safeguarding and Child Protection. Training is updated regularly, in line with LSCB requirements.

Members of the Senior Leadership Team are trained in Safer Recruitment

All staff are subject to a best practice list of appropriate vetting checks prior to and during employment, including: enhanced DBS and barred list; prohibited list, certificates of good conduct and immigration checks; verification of professional qualifications; references from previous and most recent employers.

To help families experiencing difficulties there is access to Family Support Workers, funded by school. These workers are employed by Red Hen and can be accessed through the school or  via  They can advise on parenting, behavior management, physical and mental health issues, bullying, low self esteem, family break ups, bereavement, child protection issues and domestic violence.


Useful websites for parents