Admissions Procedure


For full details of how to apply for places at The Grove Primary School, please see the Cambridgeshire County Council website Cambridgeshire County Council Admissions Information Website. Cambridgeshire Local Authority (LA) is responsible for setting the admission arrangementsand the Published Admission Number (PAN) of pupils. From September 2021, this number was set at 30 for Foundation Stage places.

Reception children
By law, children start school at the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday. In keeping with Cambridgeshire County Council policy, we offer education from September 2020 to children who will be five in the 2020/2021 academic year. We offer full-time education from September 2020 to any child for whom this is educationally and socially appropriate.

We admit pupils according to the Cambridgeshire County Council procedure:

  • Children who have a statement of special educational needs that names the school will be admitted. NB Those children with a statement of special educational needs that does not name the school will be referred to Student Assessment to determine an appropriate place.
  • Children in care – also known as Looked After Children (LAC)
  • Children living in the catchment area with a sibling at the school at the time of admission
  • Children living in the catchment area
  • Children living outside the catchment area who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission
  • Children living outside the catchment area who have been unable to gain a place at their catchment school because of oversubscription
  • Children who live outside the catchment area but nearest the school as measured by a straight line

In cases of equal merit in each set of criteria, priority will go to the children living nearest the school as measure by a straight line.

The allocation of primary school places takes place immediately after the closing date of January 15th each year. Further details about admission procedures are to be found in ‘Primary Education – A Guide for Parents’, which is available on the Cambridgeshire County Council Admissions Information Websiteand a reference copy is also available in the School Office. Parents are invited to visit the school one evening in the summer term prior to admission in order to meet the staff, visit the classrooms and ask questions. Children are also invited to visit the school with their parents.

Other children
Children arriving during the course of the academic year are admitted according to the same criteria. Parents should contact the School Office and make an appointment with the headteacher to discuss admission.

Transferring to Secondary School

Our most local secondary school is North Cambridge Academy. Early in the Autumn Term, parents of pupils in Year 6 receive detailed information about all secondary schools together with a preference form. About this time, secondary schools arrange open evenings. Parents are notified of their child’s secondary place towards the end of the Spring Term. The majority of secondary schools offer the opportunity to spend a day in their school at the end of the Summer Term in Year 6. Detailed records about each pupil are forwarded to the allocated secondary school to facilitate continuity and progression in learning.

School Organisation

The number of pupils on roll for September 2024 will be approximately 224.

Pupils are organised into classes by year group in Key Stages as follows


Age 2.5 - 4



Age 4 - 5         



Duckling Class

Key Stage 1/2


Year 1
Age 5 - 6



Robin Class


Year 2 

Age 6-7


 Kiwi Class

 Key Stage 2 

Year 3 

Age 7-8


Kingfisher Class


Year 4

Age 8-9


Flamingo Class


Year 5 
Age 9-10     


Toucan Class


 Year 6 

Age 10-11


Eagle Class

Falcon Class